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Author Guidelines


1. The manuscript can be the result of experimental research, survey, or literature review which is closely related to the field of economic and social sciences.
2. Manuscripts in the form of research must not and have never been published.
3. Manuscript in the form of original typing is written in Indonesian with the essence of language English
4. Systematics of writing is written in the following order: a. The title is cultivated quite informative and not too long with use capital time news letters font romance 12. b. Name (names) of the author (without title) and institution / address of the place of work complete and clear. c. Digest and key words in English. Digest cannot be more than 200 words and keywords consist of 1 - 15 words. d. Introduction contains background, research objectives, underlying problems research from theoretical review. e. The research method describes the material used and the way it works research. f. Results and Discussion. g. Conclusions and recommendations. h. Thank you (if any), and i. Bibliography.
5. Writing method: abstract is written with a distance of 1 space and a text of 2 spaces, long the script is a maximum of 15 pages, with the format above and left 4 cm apart, right and below 3 cm from the edge of A4 A4 paper size.
6. The table must be intact and clearly legible with the table title at the top with the number number according.
7. Images and graphics are made separately with a maximum size of 1 page and at least ¼ page with the title at the bottom with the serial number.
8. The manuscript received will be corrected, if there is an improvement will be given a note and sent to the author to be corrected and corrected, then the author sends back the manuscript that has been corrected through e-mail editor.
9. The author whose text is loaded will receive 2 copies of the publication.


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The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.