S E I K O : Journal of Management & Business, is published by Postgraduate STIE Amkop Makassar in 2017, with registered number ISSN : 2598-831X (Print) and ISSN : 2598-8301 (Online), is a peer-reviewed journal published S E I K O : Journal of Management & Business published two times a year (July-December & January-Juny) by Postgraduate STIE Amkop Makassar.
S E I K O : Journal of Management & Businessinvites manuscripts in the various topics include, but not limited to ;
- Functional areas of Marketing management,
- Finance and management accounting,
- Strategic management,
- Operation, logistic and supply chain management,
- Human resource management,
- E-business,
- Knowledge management,
- Management information system,
- International business,
- Quantitative and research method
- Tourism management,
- Business ethics, and
- Entrepreneurship.
The articles published in S E I K O : Journal of Management & Business have been double blind-reviewed by peer reviewers. The decision on whether the scientific article is accepted or not in this journal will be the Editorial Board’s right based on peer reviewer's recomendation.
Please read and understand the author guidelines thoroughly. Author who submits a manuscript to the editors of S E I K O : Journal of Management & Business should comply with the author guidelines. If the submitted manuscript does not comply with the guidelines or using a different format, it will be rejected by the editorial team before being reviewed. Editorial Team will only accept a manuscript that meets the specified formatting requirements.
.Vol 7, No 2 (2024)
Table of Contents
Rahmat Hidayat, Baharuddin Semmaila, Aryati Arfah
01 - 11
Roshita Dwi Anggraeni, Mahameru Rosy Rochmatullah
12 - 20
Nina Chrestina Mayangsari, Triyono Triyono
21 - 35
Ahmad Salim, Mursalim Mursalim, Muhammad Fadhil Hamzah
36 - 53
Gilang Permana, Eko Hariyanto, Amir Amir, Dwi Winarni
54 - 67
Kevin Satria Wiguna, Rini Kuswati
68 - 87
A'isy Rusdi Muthohar, Nur Achmad
88 - 107
Elisia Sindi Apriliana, Zulfikar Zulfikar
108 - 120
Rostini Rostini, syahribulan syahribulan, Muhammad Nasir, Mardia, Arjang
121 - 131
Nadhifa Aqilla Marza Ramadhania, Fatchan Achyani
132 - 148
Nadya Febrina Suci Utami, Solehudin Solehudin, Nunung Nurhasanah
148 - 160
Naufal Laudza, Muzakar Isa
161 - 173
Sigit Budiarto, Riandani Rezki Prana
174 - 184
Ghifari Aryapratama Fajar Saputra, Mentari Anugrah Imsa, Abdul Kholik, Asep Soegiarto, Anggun Nadia Fatimah
185 - 198
Citra Arum Purdiarini, Lucy Warsindah
199 - 209
Eka Eka, Emi Lestari
210 - 219
Ani Kartini, Abdul Hakim Satria Nusantara, Zikri Fadilah, Alif M. Ikhsan, Muharman Lubis
220 - 229
Zikri Fadilah, M. Edwin Syah, Muharman Lubis
230 - 236
Sherly Hastuti, Nora Pitri Nainggolan
237 - 245
Muhammad Alwi Abdilla, Kurniawati Kurniawati
246 - 262
Ucok Tua Ganda Hasudungan Hutagaol, Etty Puji Lestari, Taufani C. Kurniatun
263 - 286
Sankist Herdiyani, Pratami Wulan Tresna, Raden Marsha Aulia Hakim
287 - 304
Nada Fitra Nabila, Windri Saifudin
305 - 326
Vania Taruli Josephine, Arianis Chan, Margo Purnomo
328 - 342
Resky Nadila Sulihing, Mursalim Mursalim, Hajering Hajering
343 - 356
Hamrul Ilyas, Masdar Mas’ud, Muhammad Fadhil Hamzah
357 - 370